The plan was a good one. Plan A: Small wedding in front of the gazebo. Reception set up by the fire pit. Friday evening at 7 pm. The grounds and cottages were spruced up, pollen washed away, sticks and rocks raked up, and grass cut. The tiki torches filled and ready to light. Then the RAIN started. Not just a little drizzle, but a blustery deluge starting early in the morning and continuing through out the day, off and on. Every once in a while a break would come and the thought that Plan A would work out. If not, Plan B: try to fit the wedding party on the porch of Dogwood Cottage and the wedding party inside- or visa versa. As we pondered the green, yellow and even red on the doppler radar (thank you Weather Channel), we decided that our friends needed a Plan C: Water Wheel Barn. Stan made the call to offer this option. Our friends accepted (I'm sure with a sense of relief) and we set out to get the barn ready for the happy event. More pollen to face. After dusting, sweeping, spraying off the decks, wiping down the kitchen and bathrooms and making up the beds, we were ready. The sisters and a dear friend of the groom arrived and began to set up for the wedding around 5:30 pm. They loaded down the large kitchen table with a lovely spread for the recepton and bows were hung above the french doors where the wedding would happen. Festivities started around 7pm. Just one small hiccup when the minister was lost on the trip from the cottages to our farm. The ceremony was quite personal and very touching, the message brought was inspiring. The reception was enjoyed by all as old friends visited together and new friends became aquainted. Congrats and best wishes to Will and Amy Garret as they begin their new marriage. May they always feel they joy that we shared with them on Friday evening.